Green Tariff Shared Renewables Program (GTSR) – Enhanced Community Renewables (ECR) Option


20 MW system capacity limit

Subscription cannot exceed 100% of customer's electric demand (approx. 120% of forecast annual load). Residential customers should comprise at least 50% (by number of customers) and at least 1/6th (by load) of community's interest in the facility. Single entity cannot subscribe to more than 20% of single calendar year's total cumulative rated generating capacity.

Compilation of statute-mandated costs and credits [i.e., Credit from IOU for class average generation on volumetric basis equal to customer's assigned share of facility output + billed for actual usage on volumetric basis at facility price + credit from IOU b/c developer assigned right to payment to customer + credit for avoided cost of generation based on applicable class average generation rate]

All rate classes 20% of GTSR program capacity (100 MW) reserved for disadvantaged communities, which are, areas disproportionately affected by environmental pollution and areas with socioeconomic vulnerability. Also includes a preference for ECR-Environmental Justice projects in the bid selection process. PG&E, SCE, SDG&E